Saturday, October 29, 2011

Review: A Slot Machine Ate My Midlife Crisis by Irene Woodbury

A Slot Machine Ate My Midlife Crisis by Irene Woodbury
Released: August 16th 2011
Publisher: SynergEbooks
Edition: Ebook, 222 pages
Goodreads | Amazon

My Rating: 3.5/5 stars

From Amazon: "This darkly funny novel describes Wendy Sinclair’s spin-crazy life in Las Vegas after she impulsively decides to not return to Houston following a bizarre girls’ weekend in 2005. 

          The confused, unhappy 45-year-old newlywed soon rents a ramshackle apartment in a building filled with misfits; wallows in a blur of spas, malls and buffets, and, ultimately, becomes a designer of cocktail waitress uniforms and an Ann-Margret impersonator in a casino show with Elvis. 

She also hangs with some pretty colorful characters.  Paula’s her bold, brassy glamazon BFF who’s looser than a Casino Royale slot.  Maxine’s her saucy former-Tropicana-showgirl boss.  Paige and Serena are two twenty-something blackjack dealers she shops, gambles, and clubs up a storm with.  Major crushes on a hunky pilot and sexy former rock star are also part of the mix.   

And then there are the phone fights with Roger, Wendy’s workaholic husband waiting impatiently in Houston.  Their clashes are louder and more raucous than a hot craps table at Caesar’s!   Does she go back to him, or does her midlife crisis become a midlife makeover?"

Firstly I would like to thank Irene Woodbury for supplying me with an ecopy of her book, it's greatly appreciated. This does not influence my review, nor am I getting paid for it. 

The plot of A Time Machine Ate My Midlife Crisis was very interesting. Wendy flying to Vegas for a girls weekend and not coming home for a couple weeks that turned into months that turned into years! I didn't like the way that it all went down. A big web of confusion began to spin between Roger and Wendy. Roger not understanding why she would run off and not come back. Wendy not understanding Rogers not understanding of her need to take this job. Needless to say there were many fights to be had over the phone. Though neither of them wanted to fly out to see the other. 
Now the characters, Wendy is a 45 year old newlywed, surely the happiest time of her life right? No. For some reason she is very unhappy with her new life. I liked Wendy as a character, I liked her go getter attitude towards her job, but it killed me inside what she was doing to her hubby. I know that she never meant to actively hurt him, but could you imagine being married for 3 months just to have your other half fly off to Vegas and not come back? 

Roger her husband is not the same man as she was dating prior to marriage, he has change significantly. It never mattered before they were married that she couldn't cook, but as soon as they were married it was - "where is my dinner?" He is very very work orientated, his work comes before everything, even Wendy. So when Wendy decides to not to come home from Vegas because she found a job, she can't understand why Roger doesn't get her reasoning. One thing I couldn't understand, was why Roger didn't fly out to her the second that he thought something was up, or even to show that he still wanted her. I can't help thinking that he should have fought for her a bit harder, though I still don't think that she should have just flown out like that and not come back. 

Then there is Paula, I'm not really sure where to start with her. She is one of Wendy's best friends, and she is a little bit crazy. She is the reason that Wendy is in Vegas, convincing her to tag along to an old lovers wedding. From the wedding, it all just goes down hill for their girly weekend. The couple wedding is cancelled and Paula is trying to set Wendy up with another man. Why can't Paula understand that she is happily married, she constantly thinks to herself. Obviously Wendy is lying to herself at this point. 

Then there is Kent, I actually like Kent as a character. Even though he is pursuing a married woman, which turned me off slightly. But he is an easily lovable character and the one who manages to find who Wendy really is, when she is lost to everyone else. 

SPOILER ALERT! So the ending of the book, was great, I liked it. Only after finishing the book did I think to myself, what happened to Paula? I would like to know if they work out their differences or if they are still not talking. The first thing I thought however was "but-but your still married to Roger, and now your engaged?! Things are going to get very very messy for you Wendy!!"

 I liked the in depth descriptions of Vegas, having not been there myself I wouldn't have a clue! So I was thankful for that. 

Overall this was a pretty drama filled and fun read!

Happy reading!
- Amy

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Review: This Girl Is Different by J.J. Johnson

This Girl Is Different by J.J. Johnson
Release Date: April 1st 2011
Publisher: Peachtree Publishers
Edition: Egalley
Goodreads | Book Depository

My Rating 4/5 Stars

From Goodreads: "Evie is different. Not just her upbringing-though that's certainly been unusual-but also her mindset. She's smart, independent, confident, opinionated, and ready to take on a new challenge: The Institution of School. 

It doesn't take this home schooled kid long to discover that high school is a whole new world, and not in the way she expected. It's also a social minefield, and Evie finds herself confronting new problems at every turn, failing to follow or even understand the rules, and proposing solutions that aren't welcome or accepted. 

Not one to sit idly by, Evie sets out to make changes. Big changes. The movement she starts takes off, but before she realizes what's happening, her plan spirals out of control, forcing her to come to terms with a world she is only just beginning to comprehend. 

JJ Johnson's powerful debut novel will enthrall readers as it challenges assumptions about friendship, rules, boundaries, and power."

This novel wasn't anything like I expected it to be. Then again, I'm not sure what I was expecting! J.J. Johnson has created a character that is so far different than your average 1st world teenager! Kudos! Evie is such a great character, I thought that I would find her irritating when I first started reading, but I really didn't. 

Being home schooled and growing up in a democratic, green (the eco friendly green) environment, she finds it really difficult when she goes to a public school. A public school where the teachers rule and the students drool pretty much! 

Rajas is the love interest in this book. He doesn't like labels. Especially the label of boyfriend and girlfriend. Which Evie understands, but as the story goes on she can't understand why the label matters so much. I really liked Rajas as a character, except for one of the things he did that hurt Evie. All characters have their downfalls though, that's what gives them depth, right? Rajas and Jacinda are her two best friends at the school, Rajas her not-labelled-boyfriend and Jacinda his cousin. Jacinda, on the outside, is your typical cheerleader stereotype. But as the story builds we come to realise that she breaks this stereotype, which I really liked. It's not very often (in my reading and viewing anyway) that there is a cheerleader who is a lovable and deep character.

Evie wants nothing more than to help better the school system by allowing the students to have a say. But she goes about it all wrong. Creating a blog with the help of Jacinda, where students can talk freely about whatever they please. Their first post was a 'lightning strike' against one of the teachers, that called a student fat and needed to eat less to get skinnier. This of course spirals way out of control, friendships and relationships are tested. Not only that, but the school gets thrown into turmoil, all because of this one blog. It's amazing that one blog could hold so much power, but J.J. Johnson wrote the story in a believable way. Had this happened at my school, I can see a some what similar situation arising!

I understand where Evie is coming from, I couldn't understand all the rules that my school had. I freaked out that one time I got detention for something absolutely ridiculous, that I can't even remember why I got it. I went to a private school and I do think that a lot of the rules were so random, but others were needed. Especially after reading this book, where total chaos broke out when the system was seriously questioned! 

I really enjoyed this book, J.J. Johnson has written a great and intriguing story, that more than held my interest the entire way through the book. The ideas throughout the book had me thinking about my school life and my life in general, at how one person can make such a difference. Not only that, but I liked how eco friendly she was (her whole house, eco friendly!). 

This is the second galley that I have read from NetGalley, and I so far have not been disappointed! If you haven't already, you should jump on that band wagon!

Happy reading everyone!

- Amy

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday #5

How is it already Friday again?? Not that I'm complaining! It's time for the Book Blogger Hop again! The Hope is hosted by Jen over at Crazy-For-Books. For information on how to participate, please visit the link!

Book Blogger Hop

This weeks hop question is:

“What is your favorite type of candy?”

I don't know if it's an Aussie thing, but I call them lollies?? I don't have a big sweet tooth though, I prefer savoury goodies myself! But if I'm in the mood for something sweet I would have to say Starburst! They are so tasty. I like all the flavours except lemon and orange so usually they will be left at the end of the packet not eaten!


Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by both Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. This weeks question is:

"What superhero is your alter-ego?"
I'm not to familiar with many super heroes, so I don't really know enough about them to pick an alter-ego!

However, since I couldn't decide, I took a superhero quiz, and my result was Superman!
You are Superman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern

You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

What about you? What is your superhero alter-ego and what is your favourite lolly? Leave links to your Friday posts and I will check them out!

Happy reading!
- Amy

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday #3

Waiting on Wednesday was created by Breaking the Spine, to showcase upcoming books!

My Waiting on Wednesday pick this week comes from one of my favourite authors - Richelle Mead. A couple months ago I finished Iron Crowned, and without giving anything away... My mind was totally blown!!! I started reading the third book in the series, thinking it would be the last one. I guess I should have seen it coming, but I was really just so into the books that I wasn't thinking about would happen in the future of the books. I really can't wait till Feb 2012 for this one to be released!

Shadow Heir by Richelle Mead
Goodreads | Book Depository

From Goodreads (may contain spoilers if you haven't read the series! Read at your own risk!): "#1 New York Times bestselling author Richelle Mead returns to the Otherworld, a mystic land inextricably linked to our own--and balanced precariously on one woman's desperate courage... 

Shaman-for-hire Eugenie Markham strives to keep the mortal realm safe from trespassing entities. But as the Thorn Land's prophecy-haunted queen, there's no refuge for her and her soon-to-be-born-children when a mysterious blight begins to devastate the Otherworld... 

The spell-driven source of the blight isn't the only challenge to Eugenie's instincts. Fairy king Dorian is sacrificing everything to help, but Eugenie can't trust the synergy drawing them back together. The uneasy truce between her and her shape shifter ex-lover Kiyo is endangered by secrets he can't--or won't--reveal. And as a formidable force rises to also threaten the human world, Eugenie must use her own cursed fate as a weapon--and risk the ultimate sacrifice..."

What are you waiting on this Wednesday?

Happy reading!
- Amy

Review: Pyxis the Discovery by K.C. Neal

Pyxis: The Discovery by K.C. Neal

Ebook Release Date: November 4th 2011
Paperback Release Date: December 2nd 2011
Publisher: StoneHouse Ink
Edition: Kindle ARC, 216 pages
Goodreads | Amazon

My Rating 4/5 Stars

From Goodreads: "Two worlds... one 16-year-old girl must learn to protect them both. 

The nightmares haunting Corinne and her friend Mason hint at a universe that exists beyond the one they know. Her destiny is to protect a weakness between the two worlds, but her mentor is dead. As Corinne and Mason search for answers, she tries to ignore the sparks igniting between them, but can't deny she feels safe only when he's nearby. Will they find help before their nightmares break free?"

Firstly I would like to thank the lovely K.C. Neal for supplying me with a kindle copy of her new book! That does not in any way affect my review of this book, all my opinions are honest and not influenced. 

I love the cover for this book, it is absolutely gorgeous! I love everything about it, the colours and the script. The cover really compliments and fits in with the story line as well.

This story follows the life of Corinne, a 16 year old girl who has recently lost her much loved grandmother. I was hooked on this story from the very beginning. Starting with the bake sale that had boys practically fighting over her cupcakes and then acting strangely interested in her afterwards. She discovers that this has something to do with the dye she used for the icing of her cupcakes, from a box with 'Pyxis' written across the front. Her and her friend Ang, decide to conduct an experiment to see what else happens with the use of the colours used for the dye. 

Corinne was left heartbroken after her best friend expresses feelings for her and kisses her, only to later see a picture of him kissing her enemy Sophie. Corinne is left confused and upset with no resolution because her best friend Mason goes away. He emails her constantly but she refuses to reply. That is until Mason describes a dream he had, which is similar to the one Corinne had, with all the other weird stuff going on, she doesn't think it can be a coincidence. She emails him about the Pyxis box and a list of names she found within it, but he doesn't know anymore than she does. 

Mason is set to arrive home in a couple of days, but Corinne is torn about how to act and whether she wants to see him. She decides that for the time being she will pretend that nothing happened between herself and Mason or Mason and Sophie, which confuses Mason.  Of course things are not what they seem, but really, are they ever? When their shared dreams start to seep into the waking world, they know something bad is happening.

It turns out that Corinne, Mason and Ang all play a part in this Pyxis thing. The Pyxis thing that they know nothing about, great! Her grandmother was supposed to teach her what to do, and how to do it, but she is dead. So how will the three of them figure out what is going? I'm not going to give any more away, so you will just have to read it for yourself!

This was a really great read, I enjoyed it from start to finish. K.C. Neal has taken her idea and created a beautifully written story! I can't wait for the second instalment in the Pyxis series, I really NEED to know what happens to Corinne and Mason, and how Ang fits in!

Happy reading!
- Amy

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Review: Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
Release Date: September 29th 2011
Publisher: Penguin Books
Edition: UK paperback
Goodreads | Book Depository

My Rating 4.5/5

From Goodreads: "Budding designer Lola Nolan doesn’t believe in fashion . . . she believes in costume. The more expressive the outfit -- more sparkly, more fun, more wild -- the better. But even though Lola’s style is outrageous, she’s a devoted daughter and friend with some big plans for the future. And everything is pretty perfect (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the dreaded Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood. 

When Cricket -- a gifted inventor -- steps out from his twin sister’s shadow and back into Lola’s life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings for the boy next door."

Let me start by saying that I started and finished this book in one afternoon. This very rarely happens for me anymore, not necessarily because the book is bad, just because I get tired of reading for however any hours straight. But I found Lola and the Boy Next Door to be a fairly quick and a very good read!

I really did love this book, it was a lot of fun, but with some deeper issues as well. It starts out with Lola, a 17 year old girl who has had an interesting upbringing. Her birth mum is an alcoholic and a drug addict who gave her up for adoption. She doesn't know her birth father, but she has heard stories. She was adopted by a relative of her mother, and now she has two dads. Well technically I guess you would say three dads? Nathan and Andy are her adoptive parents who are very protective of her. Especially when it comes to her older boyfriend Max. Max is 22 and in a band. Her parents do not approve. She says she is in love with him, and he with her. But there is one person that she never really got over. His name is Cricket, her old neighbour. 

Things didn't end well with Cricket before him and his family moved. But there is always the possibility that they will move back in. Lola dreads the day. Every time there is a moving van she freaks out, until she confirms it's not them. Only this time, the moving van is theirs and Cricket is back. 

I love Cricket (though I don't really like the name), he is lovely, though Lola doesn't think so after the way he treated her 2 years ago. We later find out that it was all his sisters doing and both Cricket and Lola were hurt in the process. When he moves back, he sends Lola through a loop. They talk more and more and Cricket expresses feelings for her, but there is a problem - Max.

I really enjoyed this book, it's the first one I have read of Stephanie Perkins. I have Anna and the French Kiss on order from my local library. Though Anna and St Clair are in this book as friends of Lola's, you don't need to read Anna and the French Kiss first. Perkins has created a great story with believable characters that I just loved. If you haven't read this one yet, then I would say, you should get on that soon! 

Happy reading!
- Amy

In My Mailbox #4

Hi everyone!

Another Sunday has come around. IMM is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. I have just a few books to show you today.

Firstly the book I am most excited for is;

Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves - Matthew Reilly

Ok, so technically this one isn't mine, I bought it for my Dad for his birthday (shh!), but we both love this series, so two birds one stone right? 

Secondly I bought Lola and the Boy Next Door - Stephanie Perkins, yay!!

I was surprised to find that my local Big W had this one for pretty cheap! It was the same price as Anna and the French Kiss, and also the same price as what I could get it off Book Depository! So I couldn't really say no... Could I? No, I really couldn't.

I got a few books from the library this week:
The Iron Daughter - Julie Kagawa
Hunger - Michael Grant

Now, for review this week I got a few books:

Pyxis: The Discovery - K.C. Neal
A Slot Machine Ate My Midlife Crisis - Irene Woodbury
No Rules of Engagement - Thomas Wilson

Thank you to the authors who kindly sent me or supplied me copies of their books. Now I have a problem of what to read first, I still have so many good books from last week like Mara Dyer and Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I just don't know where to start really! Though I have to admit that I have already read Lola and Pyxis! Hopefully reviews of those will be up soon. 

What did you get in your mailbox this week?

Happy reading!
- Amy

Friday, October 14, 2011

Review: Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List

Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

Release Date: August 27th 2007
Publisher: Random House
Edition: US paperback, 230 pages
Goodreads | Book Depository

My Rating: 3/5 Stars

From Goodreads: "NAOMI AND ELY ARE BEST FRIENDS. Naomi loves and is in love with Ely, and Ely loves Naomi, but prefers to be in love with boys. So they create their "No Kiss List" of people neither of them is allowed to kiss. And this works fine - until Bruce. Bruce is Naomi's boyfriend, so there's no reason to put him on the List. But Ely kissed Bruce even though he is boring. The result: a rift of universal proportions and the potential end of "Naomi and Ely: the institution." Can these best friends come back together again?"

Yes yes I know, this is the first book that I have given less than four stars to since starting my blog. I just didn't love this book, I wanted to, but I didn't. I have read Dash and Lily's Book of Dares and I loved it so I thought I would give this one a shot. Unfortunately it didn't live up to Dash and Lily for me.

To start I got confused and thought Ely was a girl thinking you say it like El-ee, not E-lie which I guess is how it is actually pronounced? Like Eli but a different spelling? I'm not sure. Anyway I thought it was two girls, which was why Ely didn't want Naomi, because Naomi was into girls and Ely was into guys. I guess I wasn't totally wrong on that front. Turns out Ely is a guy who is into guys. And Naomi is also likes guys, more specifically Ely. Which makes things kind of difficult since Ely is gay and all. 

So the story is about Naomi and Ely who have been best friends and living in the same building forever. They are the kind of best friends that share everything, even clothes. Naomi knows that Ely is a guys kind of guy but she thinks it is just a phase and that in the end they will end up together and get married. I guess it doesn't help that they are always joking about where they will be getting married. Ely obviously not realising that Naomi is hoping it will actually happen. 

There is a lot of drama for such a short book, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I just found that Naomi was really petty and blew everything out of proportion when things didn't go her way. She would have boyfriends but mainly just so she could use them until Ely was ready. But that plan sort of fizzles out when Ely falls in love, I don't want to spoil it for you, but this part of the story I really liked! I really don't want to spoil it though, just keep in mind I like how Ely comes across his new boyfriend!

I found that there were too many points of view in this novel. Each chapter had an alternating point of view. Naomi and Ely had more designated chapters as they are the two main characters. But there were about 7 other peoples points of view throughout the story, two different Bruce's and two different Robin's  so I did get more than a bit confused on occasion. Naomi's point of view used symbols in place of some words, which is a clever idea, but it slowed down my reading of her chapters as it would take longer for me to figure out what she is trying to say!

So with all of that said, I did like this book, I liked the ending and most of the storyline. Though there were elements of the book that didn't float my boat, that doesn't mean that will be the same for everyone! I still enjoyed this book, just not as much as some another books that I have read. 

Happy reading!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Review: Hereafter by Tara Hudson

Hereafter by Tara Hudson
Release Date: June 7th 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Edition: Paperback, pages 404
Goodreads | Book Depository

My Rating 4/5

From Goodreads: "Drifting in the dark waters of a mysterious river, the only thing Amelia knows for sure is that she's dead. With no recollection of her past life—or her actual death—she's trapped alone in a nightmarish existence. All of this changes when she tries to rescue a boy, Joshua, from drowning in her river. As a ghost, she can do nothing but will him to live. Yet in an unforgettable moment of connection, she helps him survive.

Amelia and Joshua grow ever closer as they begin to uncover the strange circumstances of her death and the secrets of the dark river that held her captive for so long. But even while they struggle to keep their bond hidden from the living world, a frightening spirit named Eli is doing everything in his power to destroy their new found happiness and drag Amelia back into the ghost world . . . forever"

This is the first book I have read that surrounds ghosts, and I was a bit unsure before I started it, but it didn't let me down! This is a beautifully written and easy to read book, that kept me hooked the entire time. I really love the idea behind this love story, a ghost and a human? Not a very favourable combination!

Amelia is dead. She is a ghost wandering around aimlessly not knowing how much time has passed since her death. She is confused and lonely, having not seen any other ghosts like her. No one can see her. That is until Joshua. Joshua can see her having died for a couple minutes in the river, and Amelia helps Joshua to get to the surface. By help, I pretty much mean she just yelled at him to get moving, since she can't actually touch anything, being a ghost and all.

Since that day in the river, Joshua has been trying to find Amelia to find out what really happened in the river, since no one else saw her. Amelia tells him that she is a ghost and that he is the only one who has been able to see her since her death.

Joshua was a little too accepting of this for my liking, there was no freak out on his behalf. This was the one thing I didn't like about the story. I just think if you found out that you had been hanging out with a ghost you would maybe freak out a little (or a lot). Anyway, that was pretty much the only problem I had with this book.

 Joshua's Grandma is a Seer, and when Amelia turns up at Joshua's house, she can see her. His Grandma thinks that Amelia is an evil ghost and wants to get rid of her, not realising that Amelia is actually a good ghost.

Then there is Eli. Oh how I hate him. Eli is the evil ghost that the Grandma thought Amelia was. He wanders earth trying to captures ghost and take him to his world, to use for evil purposes. He is trying to recruit Amelia as his "apprentice" but she won't have a bar of it!

With twists and turns and and old rickety bridge, Hudson has created a love story between two unlikely companions. I look forward to the second instalment of this series!

Happy reading!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Teaser Tuesday #5

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading. To give our blog reader's a teaser of the book we are currently reading. For information on how to participate please visit the above link!

My teaser this week is from This Girl is Different by J.J. Johnson.

"Well darling, it ain't a revolution if nothing's at stake." pg 143

Now I know your supposed to use two sentences but the following sentence I felt took away from the teaser a bit, so I left it at one!

So far I'm really enjoying this book. I love the cover (though I have an e-galley) of this book. Very fitting for the story!

Thanks for stopping by! Please leave me links to your Tuesday posts so I can visit you too!

Happy reading!
- Amy

Sunday, October 9, 2011

In My Mailbox #3

Sorry I have been absent for a while guys!  I haven't had all that much access to the Internet or time to blog! In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren

These are books that I have acquired over the last couple of weeks. 

The Power of Six - Pittacus Lore
Passion - Lauren Kate
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me - Sarra Manning
Geek Girl - Cindy C. Bennett
Crescendo - Becca Fitzpatrick
Embrace - Jessica Shirvington

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin (FINALLY!!!)
Daughter of Smoke and Bone - Laini Taylor
Delirium - Lauren Oliver

All of these books were borrowed from my awesome friends except or bought by me except for Geek Girl, I received this one via NetGalley. 

Passion and You Don't Have to Say You Love Me have been sitting in my to be read pile for a while now, my friends are probably getting sick of waiting for me to return them, or have forgotten they have given them to me it has been that long! 

What was in your mailbox this week? Leave me a comment or link me to your post!

Happy reading!
- Amy

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Review: Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett

Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett
Publisher: CreateSpace
Re-Release Date: December 2011
Format: Egalley

My Rating 4.5/5

From Goodreads: "Think I can turn that boy bad?" 17-year-old Jen turns her life upside down when, out of boredom, she makes a bet that she can turn school geek Trevor into someone like her. Instead, the goth girl finds herself sucked into his world of sci-fi movies, charity work, and even-ugh!-bowling. To truly belong with him-and with her new foster family-she must first come to terms with her violent past. 

Let me start by saying that I received an e copy of this book through NetGalley, this is the first I have used and received a book from here. This is my honest review of Geek Girl.

I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and the plot of this book. The writing style of Cindy C. Bennett made it a very enjoyable read. This is a story about a girl, Jen, who is a foster child with a very troubled past. And a boy, Trevor, who is your typical geeky guy. Jen and her friends decide that Jen is going to try to turn Trevor into 'one of them,' a trouble-making teen. 

I just loved the depths of Jen's past, you don't find out how dark her past is until later on. Went light is brought to her past, I could understand why she is, the way she is. Why she act's up to get herself kicked out of foster homes and why she makes a game out of other peoples lives. Jen is almost a totally different person when she is with Trevor, she becomes more the person that she wants to be, more the person that she is on the inside, behind the mask of makeup she wears. 

Trevor is, in my eyes, such a lovable character! I just adore him, though I seem to always have a soft spot for the geeky guy. Trevor likes Jen for who she is, he doesn't judge her for the friends she hangs out with, or they way she dresses. He just likes to spend time with her. He is an awesome younger sibling to his brother with Down Syndrome, Todd. It's obvious to me that the fact that he has Down Syndrome makes no difference to Trevor or his parents. It does throw of Jen for a while as she isn't used to the affection Todd so actively gives, Though she grows to love him like a brother!

I could see where this book was heading, though that doesn't diminish how much I enjoyed this book. I knew at some point that Trevor would find out about the bet, and I was constantly wondering when it would happen. Along the way Jen learns to love Trevor the way he is and finds that she is changing more than what he is. She doesn't think this is a bad thing though, she is changing for the better in her eyes. She realises that she loves Trevor the way he is and she pulls out of the bet.

I really enjoyed this book, and couldn't put it down! If your a YA fanatic, I think you will enjoy this one as well!

Happy reading!
- Amy

Top Ten and Teaser Tuesday #4

Hi everyone!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week's top ten is:

Top Ten Book Endings That Left Me With My Mouth Hanging Open

These are in no particular order, because asking me to order books is near on impossible for me to do!

1. City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare
The last thing I was expecting from this book was a cliff hanger. I literally sat staring at the page mouth wide open for a good minute or so, thinking "wh-wh-wha-WHAT?!"

2. The Six Sacred Stones - Matthew Reilly
Cliffhanger? Yep and in the literal sense of the word as well. Possible life or death situation and I had to wait a YEAR to find out? That's just cruel.

3. Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
Now there wasn't a cliffhanger at the end of this book, it is the last in the series, but the ending just left me with my jaw to the floor!

4. one of the Stephanie Plum books - Janet Evanovich (I can't remember which one it is exactly because they all merged into one story in my head!)
Lucky I had the next one waiting in my to-read pile!!

5. Iron Crowned - Richelle Mead
I need the next book to come out NOW. I couldn't believe the ending of this one!! Leave me in suspense why don't you!!

6. The Body Finder - Kimberly Derting
I loved this book so much, and the ending was just gob smacking!

I'm going to leave this at 6 books, this is all I can come up with, which surprises me! I even went back through my read list on Goodreads and couldn't come up with any others.

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading, open your current read to a random page and give us all a little teaser!

I'm currently reading Hereafter by Tara Hudson:

"My nightmares were what made me finally see, and accept, the truth. 

At first nothing in my wandering existence brought back memories of my life, nothing but the elusive familiarity of the woods and roads I wandered.

But then the nightmares began."

What are some books that left your mouth hanging open? What are you currently reading? Leave your answers in the comments or link me to your Tuesday post!

Happy reading!
- Amy

Monday, October 3, 2011

Review: Gone by Michael Grant

Gone by Michael Grant
Release Date: July 1st 2008
Publisher: Egmont Books
Edition: Paperback, 576 pages
Goodreads | Book Depository

My Rating 4/5

From Goodreads:  "In the blink of an eye. Everyone disappears. GONE. Except for the young. Teens. Middle schoolers. Toddlers. But not one single adult. No teachers, no cops, no doctors, no parents. Just as suddenly, there are no phones, no internet, no television. No way to get help. And no way to figure out what's happened.

Hunger threatens. Bullies rule. A sinister creature lurks. Animals are mutating. And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents—unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers—that grow stronger by the day.
It's a terrifying new world. Sides are being chosen, a fight is shaping up. Townies against rich kids. Bullies against the weak. Powerful against powerless. And time is running out: On your birthday, you disappear just like everyone else..."

I loved this book! It reminded me of I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore (Pseudonym for James Frey and Jobie Hughes), but then when I thought about it, only because of the light shooting from Sam's hands, and the bullies...

I first heard about this book from Priscila at The Readables youtube channel, you should check her out, she is one of my favourite booktubers!

In the first part of this book there were many varying points of view, each with their own chapter. I find too many points of view to be confusing and hard to keep up with, which I did find a little bit with this book, but only at the start. Some of the characters didn't interact with the main characters, making me wonder why we were seeing their point of view. But i figured that I would find out in due time. As I expected when the story progressed you see where all of the characters fit in, and why we were allowed glimpses into their view.

I liked Sam's character, the hero who doesn't think he is a hero type. When he was younger he saved a school bus of kids when the bus driver collapsed, by driving them to safety on the side of the road. So you can imagine what he would be like in a situation such as this: all people over 15 years old have disappeared, with no explanation, in their place is a big spherical wall that surrounds them from all ends. Not only that there are weird things happening, Sam and some of the other kids are able to do strange things and the animals have started to form mutations. Talking coyotes? No thank you! I found I liked Sam more, knowing that he didn't want to be the one that every body looked to. The one that was relied upon. The only silver lining for Sam goes by the name Astrid.

Astrid is the genius know it all type. Only she is like a fish out of water with all of the current goings on. For someone who knows so much about everything, she has no explanation for what has happened. I loved Astrid's character. The way she looks after her younger brother Petey who has ........................... Petey is her first priority, even when she starts falling for Sam.

Caine, where do I start with Caine? Without giving away any spoilers? I don't know. But I will say that he knows something that Sam doesn't which becomes evident a little ways in to the book, and this kept me hooked, I just had to know. I was reading and reading hoping that it wouldn't be one of those series that doesn't fill you in until the sequel. Thankfully it's not!

Overall, this was a really good dystopian novel, I had to keep reading so I could find out ASAP what was going to happen next! With the bullies and the allies changing more than once, it really kept me on the edge of my seat! I can't wait to read the second one in the series Hunger! I am going to hopefully get this one from the library sometime soon, so I can continue the adventure of Sam and Astrid!

Happy reading!
- Amy
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